Jan 30, 2022Liked by Hector Hughes

Loved this - The problem with delusional thoughts of self correctness is they don't appear delusional. This is like the elusiveness of trying to catch you own shadows.

Anything you can do to notice when an assumption happens, like the sensation of annoyance you feel when someone is wrong is a good marker to be mindful for. Then try and think why you might be wrong. Statistically we spend so much of our life being incorrect about most things which makes it easier to be less bothered about your current thoughts.

Might be a good area for pondering during Vipassana. The whole loss of ego totally links into this.

(I feel I've got better at this but still amaze myself at how dumb I can be sometimes)

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V true! I'll hopeful make up some ground on the Vip....

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