Crazy year. It’s been fun.
I got plenty wrong. A humbling year in many ways. Here are three things I learnt.
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It’s all about finding good people.
I’m just not that great. Ben is, but he’s just one man. Most of the “successes” we’ve had this year have been around finding the right people.
Someone once said:
“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.”
Here here. We have far to go.
Different is Interesting
Different is scary. Ever since we launched I’ve felt a pull towards conforming. A pull towards doing things like everyone else. Many times we’ve succumbed to that. We could have been bolder.
But looking back on the year, it’s the times we did things different that standout. Naturally.
I’d like to be braver in 2022. To push the boat out further. What’s the worst that can happen?
Keep it Simple
The secret to life, perhaps.
We all know it. But it’s so tricky. With growth comes complexity, and I’m as guilty as anyone as getting swept up it.
I can’t tell you how many hundreds of hours I’ve wasted on pointless work this year. By most objective measures I have been pretty productive. And yet I waste so much time. All the results come from a tiny fraction of that work. More of that, less of the rest. Less, better.
My Week in Books📚
Do Purpose by David Hieatt
Short and great. Hieatt is wonderful writer. It is, of course, all about people.
7 Powers by Hamilton Helmer
I’m not really one for Framework-y books but this one is brilliant. It seems to be the go to strategy book for Silicon Valley and I can see why. Enlightening.
I’ll be updating the books I’ve read this year here. Any recommendations? Let me know!
Books of the Year 🏆
I’m sure you’re wondering. I couldn’t pick just one. In no particular order:
Napoleon by Andrew Roberts
Not a light read. But such a wonderful book, and story. I’ve found myself thinking back to it all year. I read a few fantastic biographies this year. All such a joy to read.
The Secret History by Donna Tartt
A modern classic. It’s just an incredible book. So well written. I was gripped right to the very end. Fiction has a wonderful way of letting you peer deeper into the human condition. Lots to ponder after this one.
The Big Short by Michael Lewis
Michael Lewis is a hero. If you’re going to read this, read Liar’s Poker first for context. He set the scene in Liar’s Poker and finished it off over two decades later with the Big Short. Genius and thrilling.
A Final Thought 💡
“Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbours, and let every new year find you a better man.”
- Benjamin Franklin
That’s quite enough from me this year. So all that’s left to say is…
Happy New Year!
If you’re reading this, I wish you all the best for 2022. Exciting times ahead.
happy almost 2022 ✨